Archive for September, 2012

Subterranean Homesick Alien

Posted in Aliens and Monsters, Drawings, Graffiti with tags , , , , , , , , , , on September 5, 2012 by gladlad

Man, I love me some motivational spam.  How can you have a bad day when some robot out there has THIS to say about your blog: “You managed to hit the nail upon the highest and defined out the whole thing with no need side-effects, folks can take a signal.” ?!?  Awesome.

Alien graffiti today.  It says “Xenophile” because I like aliens.  The inks were done with a brush during a very Powerpoint-intensive training seminar.  Powerpoint-based training has become a very fertile imagination-field, since there is no possible way my mind cannot wander all over the place for hours during them.  As long as you can stay awake.

Now go and hit the nail upon the highest.  You deserve it.